Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Effects of Oral Piercings on Your Oral Health


Are you or a family member thinking of getting an oral piercing?

Many teenagers look for ways to express themselves uniquely, and some choose body art as their outlet. Although tongue, cheek, and lip rings can look cool, oral jewelry can cause major negative effects on your oral health during the procedure and afterwards.

Negative Effects of Oral Piercings

Aside from giving you bad breath, piercings can also cause major damage to your teeth and overall well-being. Here are just some potential negative effects:

  • Infection & Bad Breath
  • Swelling & Nerve Damage
  • Chipped or Cracked Teeth
  • Interfere with Normal Oral Function
  • Interfere with Oral Health Evaluation
  • Piercings can block transmission of x-rays which are often a necessary part of an oral health evaluation. Piercings can sometimes "hide" cysts, abscesses, or tumors.

Is it worth the risk?

While a piercing can act as a fashion statement and drastically alter your look, there are also more dangerous implications involved as well.

If you do decide to get a piercing, make sure to follow these cautionary tips. Rather than relying on a friend, make sure you get your piercing professionally done and ask about the salon's sterilization methods. Whoever is performing the procedure should be knowledgeable and able to answer any questions you may have and know about proper aftercare.

Make sure to also ask for a Public Health services inspection certificate, so you know you are in good hands!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Is your breath fresh?

One of the most common questions we get is “How can I make sure my breath is always pleasant?”
Many patients come to our office with the complaint of bad breath or a bad taste in their mouth. Fresh breath is something we all want, and is an expected part of our social graces. It’s just as big a part of making a great impression as any other aspect of your smile.
If your oral hygiene is good and you still have trouble with bad breath, you could have gum disease, which allows more bacteria to build up than you can clean away. Our hygienists can help by thoroughly cleaning around your teeth and gums.  Please make sure to talk to us if bad breath is a concern so we can evaluate your gums.
In certain cases you may be more prone to the bacteria which causes bad breath even if your oral hygiene is good and your gums are healthy. This means you could have a sub-clinical bacterial infection. This is where a large amount of bacteria is present but the inflammatory response within the gums is negligible. We typically investigate by sampling the bacteria in your mouth and having it analyzed at the lab. If the bacteria levels are high, we will treat you with antibiotic rinses to lower the bacteria and allow the healthy type of bacteria in your mouth to repopulate.
In cases where all of our tests are negative we will recommend that you consult your physician for stomach tests.  There are bacteria in the stomach which produce the same compounds as the oral bacteria that causes bad breath, and the cure may lay there.
As we all know certain foods that we eat contribute to bad breath, such and onions and garlic, to name few. These vanish in time and can be eliminated quickly by using sugar-free mints, chewing gum, by brushing your teeth and using a mouth rinse.
Bad breath can also be addressed by maintaining great oral hygiene which keeps the teeth and gums as clean and free of bacteria as possible. Remember to brush your tongue because the tongue has very deep pits and grooves where bacteria can escape lighter cleanings.
If you have any concerns about your breath call us today at (905) 853-9355 or click here  to request an appointment.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Rising Number of Cavities in Children

Over the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of cavities found in children. This has resulted in both an increase in the number of teeth that need to be filled as well as the severity of the decay.
It’s important to protect your children from cavities, and we at Dr. Ian Gray would like to offer a few tips to help prevent the progress of tooth decay in young children:
  • Try to avoid putting your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or apple juice.
  • Always ensure that your children rinse with water after a sugary drink or snack.
  • Get your kids in the habit of brushing their teeth twice daily and flossing once.
  • Finally, make sure to schedule a visit to the dentist twice a year so that any issues are identified early and treated properly.
These simple and effective practices will help keep their teeth healthy and strong. Help your kids form good habits early, and their teeth will be far healthier as a result.
To book an appointment at Dr. Ian Gray , click here.