Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Women and Oral health

A woman's hormones can fluctuate throughout their life and in turn can have an impact on the oral cavity. Studies have shown that at least 23 per cent of women between 30- 54 years of age and 44 per cent of women 55-90 years of age who have their teeth, have periodontal disease- an advanced stage of gum and bone disease.

Women's hormones fluctuate during: Puberty, Menstruation, Taking oral contraceptive, pregnancy and lactation and menopause. The actual fluctuation of hormones does not cause the periodontal disease, but will cause and exaggerated response to oral irritants like plaque and calculus (tartar). Managing a regular oral care routine and dental hygiene visits will help keep this response under control.

Maintenance and home care to consider:
  • Brushing twice a day
  • Flossing at least once a day
  • Regular hygiene visits recommended by your health care provider
  • A well balanced diet
  • Mouth wash
  • And for patients with dry mouth, saliva substitutes and other alleviating products.

  • Role of your dental hygienist:
  • Provides regular oral screenings for issues
  • Reviews medication risks and health history
  • Helps develop a custom home care program
  • Referrals as needed
  • And of course, helps keep oral conditions favorable through regular dental cleaning

Sara Haire

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Healthy Back-to-School Snacks

1. English Muffin Pizzas
Top a whole wheat English muffin with tomato sauce or a tomato slice and shredded mozzarella cheese and melt in the oven.

2. Chocolate Dipped Bananas
For a healthy sweet snack, peel a banana, cut in half and insert chopstick for the handle and dip the banana into melted dark chocolate chips and freeze.

3. Apple Slices
Cut apple into wedges and serve with peanut butter or almond butter for a nut free option.

4. Veggies and Dip
Cut fresh veggies and serve with ranch or hummus dip!

5. Pita Chips
For healthy pita chips, cut a whole wheat tortilla wrap into pieces and bake for 5 minutes at 350 degree oven. Serve with dip such as hummus or salsa.

6. Fruit and Yogurt
Cut any fruit of choice into bite size pieces and serve with plain Greek yogurt mixed with a drizzle of honey for dipping.

7. Banana Oat Cookies
Mash 2 ripe bananas into a bowl, mix with 1 cup of oats and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or almond butter then mix in any topping of choice (chocolate chips, nuts, raisins, coconut, etc) Bake in 350 degree oven for 15 minutes.

Kristine Lundy

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Sugar, it's not just bad for your teeth, too much is also bad for your health!

Sugar, it's not just bad for your teeth, too much is also bad for your health!

You've definitely heard it before—too much sugar isn't good for you. The recommended limit has been lowered to no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day, but most of us consume way more then that, mainly in sugar-sweetened drinks, like soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks, and snacks, like cakes, cookies, and candy. Discover what actually happens to your body when the sweet stuff hits your bloodstream.

Sugar provides pure calories and is completely lacking other essential nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Sugary drinks and foods generally don't fare much better, and they take up room in your diet that could otherwise be filled with more nutritious foods.

Bacteria in your mouth love sugar—particularly sucrose, from everyday granulated sugar. When the bacteria munch on the sugar they produce acid, and you end up with holes in your teeth. Eating sticky sugar, like caramels or gummies, which attach to your teeth, is even worse.

And liquid forms are the worst offenders—soft drinks aren't exactly filling. You generally still want to eat, despite the huge hit of sugar you've just injected into your gut. Think about it this way: how quickly can you drink a can of soda? To get the equivalent 9 teaspoons of sugar in a 12 fl oz can of soda, you'd need to eat 7 cups of raspberries. Yep, 7 fiber-rich, filling cups!

Your brain is hardwired to love sugar, its favorite form of energy. It's a matter of survival: When you eat food, dopamine is released in the brain, which makes you feel happy. But certain foods, like sugar, make dopamine levels soar. In a similar way to how the brain reacts to cocaine, sugar can be addictive—the more you eat, the more you need to satisfy that "high."

Fast, easily digested carbs cause powerful spikes in your blood sugar levels, sending you on a wild rollercoaster ride of energy highs and lows throughout the day. The highs can give you a quick energy burst, but they also put pressure on your pancreas to produce more insulin in an effort to lower your blood sugar. The lows that follow can make you feel ravenous (hungry, even!), frantically searching for another sugar rush.

Too much sugar, and high glycemic index foods, results in substances called AGEs being produced in your blood. These potent pro-oxidant chemicals (the opposite of a healthy antioxidant) cause inflammation, and left for too long, chronic inflammation can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

There's no denying the facts—consuming too many calories leads to weight gain. It's far too easy to tip your energy input over the edge with high sugar drinks and snacks. You already know being overweight or obese can be a fast-track ticket to a whole host of scary health problems, including cancer. Eating too much fructose, in particular, which is converted into fat and stored in the liver, can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease—a condition healthy weight people can develop, particularly if you drink too much soda.

Constantly flooding your blood with sugar, even if you're not overweight, is never a good thing. Your pancreas has to work extra hard to keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range, your blood pressure increases, and your blood fats go up, too. If these things are constantly happening, you can develop metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions which can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

Thankfully, it's not all doom and gloom. Lowering your sugar intake is easy if you know what to look for on food labels. The new nutrition facts label will also call out added sugars versus naturally occurring sugars, making it that much easier to see what you're getting! If you skip sugary drinks, eat real, minimally processed foods, and have a light hand when it comes to adding sweeteners, you can drastically reduce the sugar in your life and improve your overall health!

Kim Thompson

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Braces or Invisalign?

A Message from Dr. Gray...
I am often asked what are the advantages of braces and that of Invisalign. Invisalign is a series of clear aligners that are changed every two weeks, resulting in the movement of your teeth over time. Invisalign aligners are removable which makes it easier to brush and floss your teeth. Therefore there is no risk of your teeth discoloring, plus you can obviously take them out when you eat so there are no dietary restrictions. The biggest advantage is that they are clear and almost undetectable visually. Some tooth movements are easier with Invisalign due to their design.
Braces have changed in that there are clear brackets now which are a lot less obvious than the traditional metal. Since the braces are bonded to your teeth, the braces are continually applying forces and moving your teeth. Almost all movements of the teeth can be achieved with braces since there is more control. Braces are very good at creating a broader arch which is usually what is required. Both treatment options have their advantages and each work well in certain cases, depending on the movements required.

newmarket dentist dr. gray

Until next month, keep smiling
Dr. Ian Gray and Staff